Another day...

another charm!
For those who've recently joined us here at "Do you have that in my size???", I add another charm to my beautiful bracelet each time I lose 10 pounds. Thus far, as you can (sort of) see, I've got the bracelet itself for the first 10 pounds (246), a cherub with a heart for the second 10 (signifying my newfound love for myself and my body), a can of mustard seed for the third 10 (from the Biblical reference "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed...nothing shall be impossible unto you"), and, debuting today, a cloisonne running shoe from Tracy for my my recent 10 (because of my newfound penchant for physical activity). I weighed in this morning at 215.4 pounds, which is down 46.8 pounds from my all-time high of 262.2 in March and 40.8 from the beginning of the Ten Percent Challenge in early June. Speaking of the TPC, I need three more pounds to achieve my second ten percent (213), so keep watching!