Graduation and other fun stuff

Friday night. My graduation from Voices for Children was last night and it was wonderful. In addition to being sworn in as a CASA by a Superior Court judge, I also received flowers, a copy of my oath (suitable for framing which, being a mega geek, I will be doing), and a really nice lapel pin with the organization's logo on it. MJ, Tony, and Karen, from work, were there to cheer me on (literally - man, those people are loud) and take lots of pictures for my folks, who couldn't be there. You know, I've graduated from high school, college (with honors), and had a really amazing wedding, and I've never felt as proud, accomplished, or ready to take on the world as I did last night.

I also found out my child's name, which is really awesome. Whatever else his parents may or may not have done, they sure did come up wiht a fabulous name. For purposes of this site, I will refer to him as "Alcott", because his name is related to Louisa May Alcott (and because I love the name). I've added some choices for him to my Amazon wish list (link on the left side bar), in case anyone would like to make a little "donation". I have to admit that some of these books appealed to me, too, and I really hope he likes them so that we can read them together.

Today was a much better day than yesterday at work, too. I think the funk I was in may have lifted, although I'm not going to declare victory yet.


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